Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spring Salads

Ah! Finally the time has come for fresh produce like strawberries, zucchini, and asparagus. These are of course not growing in North Dakota right now, and as much as I would love to only buy local, I would have to wait until July when the farmer's markets start. I am too impatient for that, so I have been buying up all of the spring fruits and vegetables that I can find. Having these makes eating vegetables so much easier! Here are a couple of salads that take only minutes to make and will add some color and flavor to your next meal. Enjoy!

Strawberry Spinach Salad
Serves 1

1 cup raw spinach or other salad greens
2 large strawberries, diced
1/2 celery stalk, diced
1 tsp walnuts, chopped
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp agave or maple syrup
fresh ground pepper

1. Combine spinach, strawberries, celery, and walnuts (Gorgonzola or blue cheese would also be a great addition)
2. In a small dish combine vinegar, oil and agave. Pour over salad and top with fresh ground pepper.

Zucchini Saute
Serves 1-2

1 tbsp olive oil
2 medium zucchini, cut into 1/2 inch coins and then cut into thirds
1 clove garlic, chopped
~8 dry roasted almonds, chopped
salt and pepper
1 tbsp Parmesan cheese

1. Heat oil in a non-stick pan
2. Add zucchini  and garlic. Allow to cook for about 2-3 minutes
3. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add almonds and cook for about 1-2 more minutes
4. Sprinkle with cheese and serve

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