Saturday, July 9, 2011


This is how I celebrated finishing graduate school yesterday- I made pizza. Finishing school has been along process and I am very glad to have it completed. Aaron has been an excellent husband though all of this- hearing my complaining, having me spending Saturdays at the library, and living with a messy house at times. But, no more! Now I can enjoy the summer, and we can begin preparing for a new chapter in our lives. In September we are visiting some friends in Cambodia and then when we get back we are moving to ________. Hopefully it won't be _______ for too long as the job search begins! Today I slept in until 10:30 (something I haven't been able to do in at least a year I think). Aaron and I made breakfast, I went for a run, weeded the garden and watched some women's World Cup soccer. Tonight we will go out for dinner and a movie. It is a day to relax and enjoy not having the pressure of an assignment for school in the back of my mind. It is a good feeling that I want to savor today.
Pizza is always a good way to celebrate and last night I used everything we would normally have on nachos on a pizza. I used some dough that I had frozen from my new favorite dough recipe. I mentioned this in a previous post , but if you haven't tried it yet you must. It is so easy to put together in the morning and then by dinner time you have a great dough ready to use. Last night I rolled out one large dough instead of small ones to cook on the skillet like I did before. I pre-cooked the dough for about 7 minutes at 475 degrees. Then I topped the dough with taco meat, black beans, green chilies, and cheese. After cooking it for about 12 minutes at 475 degrees I added slices of avocado, cilantro, a squeeze of lime and some hot sauce. A little sour cream mixed with salsa brought it all together and made a perfect taco pizza. Make your own and share about your favorite pizza ingredients.  Enjoy!

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