Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Morning Frittata

Today was the first Saturday in a long time that we could sleep in, drink our coffee and make breakfast. I love these times- it's the perfect way to end one week and recharge for the next.

My garden is full of zucchini and tomatoes and I wanted to put them to good use. My problem is that Aaron do not really like either. A frittata is the perfect solution. It is an easy way to use up whatever is in your refrigerator and an easy way to "hide" vegetables. Aaron loved today's frittata even with the zucchini. To make this feed more people you can add more eggs. Also you could make this with or with out some type of meat. Kielbasa, turkey bacon or any type of breakfast sausage would be great in this. I have also made this using spinach and peppers, so experiment and use what you have on hand. Enjoy!

Saturday Morning Fritta
Serves 2

4 eggs
splash of milk
1/2 small zucchini, gratted
1 oz shredded cheese
1 shallot, chopped
3 strips bacon (I use center cut with out nitrates)
cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced (optional)
avocado slices (optional)
salsa (optional)

1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
2. Cook bacon in a large non-skillet and drain on a paper towel
3. Combine eggs and milk and whisk until combined.
4. Add zucchini, tomatoes (if using) and cheese to eggs
5. Crumble bacon into eggs and add cooked shallot to egg mixture
6. Add egg mixture to pan. Allow to cook for several minutes until edges begin to become firm.
7. Put pan into oven and cook for 10-12 minutes or until frittata is cooked through.
8. Remove frittata from pan and slice. Top with avocado and fresh salsa.

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