Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

 The past few months have been busy ones filled with family, friends and even a trip to New York. Meals have been simple to make time for being with loved ones, Christmas card writing, cleaning, baking, and shopping.

Tonight we decorated sugar cookies and began preparing for my family to arrive tomorrow. It is strange to not be going to our "homes" this year in Montana and Florida. Instead we will have a cozy Christmas in our Minneapolis apartment and begin making new memories.
I hope that you make new memories too. There is a lot to grateful for as 2011 comes to an end. When I think about all we have done over the past year- Superbowl XLV, Florida for our anniversary, trips to Montana, trip to Oregon/Washington, Cambodia/Thailand, moving to Minneapolis- it is pretty incredible. We have been truly blessed and can only imagine what 2012 will bring. Hopefully lots of good food, fun, friends and family.
I pray that you have a wondering holiday season and a great start to 2012. There are new adventures to come!

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