Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuna Burgers

Summer has arrived- at least for one day. It is in the 90s here today and I can't wait to get outside to enjoy it! Based on the past few weeks the heat will probably last long, but for now I am loving it. For dinner I decided on a budget friendly, healthy summer meal of tuna burgers. Yes, tuna from a can formed into a burger. The flavors are fresh and the burger is moist and almost creamy. I used a product called Lemonaise Light that my mom told me about last year. It tastes must better than plain mayonnaise. It has limited ingredients and cage free eggs and is a perfect substitute.

I served our burgers on thin buns but English muffins would also work great for these. Along side we had crispy kale chips. We are ready for summer! Enjoy!

Tuna Burgers
Serves: 4

2 5oz cans white tuna, caned in water, drained
1 tbsp capers, chopped
handful of fresh, flat leaf parsley, chopped
1 shallot, diced
1/2 cup breadcrumbs or panko
1/4 cup mayonnaise (I used Lemonaise)
dash of soy sauce (1-2 tsp)
2 tsp Old Bay seasoning
4 oz cheddar or other mild cheese, sliced
4 tomato slices
4 buns, thin-buns, English muffins, toasted

1. Combine tuna, capers, parsley, shallot, breadcrumbs, mayonnaise, soy sauce and old bay seasoning. Break up any large pieces of tuna and combine until mixture begins to hold together.
2. Meanwhile, heat a large pan over medium heat. Coat the bottom of the pan with cooking oil (I used grapeseed)
3. Form tuna mixture into 4 burgers and cook until heated through, 2-3 minutes per side
4. Top burgers with cheese and allow to melt.
5. Spread more mayonnaise on bun (if desired). Top with lettuce, tomato and burger

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